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Windows 96 v3 is the current version of Windows 96 that is the successor to v2. It added a lot of features, most notably a much more faithful Windows 9x style UI. It had some cut content which you can see here.

Version Highlights

  • The 9x style of the OS has been vastly improved.
  • The apps are now in the filesystem instead of in the Windows96 kernel.
  • A new terminal, compatible with XTerm.
  • System Config Manager (SCM) that works similarly to the Windows Registry.
  • A new shell, and a highly advanced theming engine.
  • A new file explorer that looks more like the Windows 98 one.
  • BoxedWine (bWINE) is now built in into Windows 96.
  • More apps, including: WMBox, JSLinux, 3D Pinball Space Cadet (the IMGUI port), and PDF Reader.
  • An Out Of Box Experience that can triggered by pressing ALT+O on Windows 96 boot.
  • Disk Encryption.
  • The new and improved WEX (Windows96 C/C++ API) (as opposed to the old SDK), that allows you to write Windows 96 apps in C/C++.
  • A new wiki which you are on right now.
  • Task Manager, allowing you to easily kill misbehaving apps.
  • Media Player, replaces the old Video Player.
  • Version Browser, replaces the old Virtual Machine.
  • InternetE, replaces the old Internet Exploder.
  • The filesystem is now fully asynchronous.
  • P3FS
  • The YouAreAnIdiot app now bounces across the screen, like the real YouAreAnIdiot.


  • This version took a very long time to release, due to the extended development time.