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Windows 96 v3 is the current version of [[Windows 96]] that is the successor to [[Windows 96 v2|v2]]. It has added lot of features, most notably it maked the Web OS more Windows 98.

Windows 96 v3 is the current version of Windows 96 that is the successor to [[Windows 96 v2|v2.]]
== Version Highlights ==
* The 9x style of the OS has been vastly improved.
* The apps are now in the [[filesystem]] instand of in the Windows96 [[kernel]].
* A new [[terminal]] compatible with XTerm.
* System Config Manager (SCM) that works similarly to the Windows Registry.
* A new shell.
* A new file [[explorer]] that is more Windows 98.
* [[BoxedWine]] (bWINE) is now built in into Windows 96.
* More apps, including: [[WMBox]], [[Linux]], [[3D Pinball - Space Cadet]], and [[PDF Reader]].
* Out Of Box Experience that can triggered by pressing ALT+O on Windows 96 boot.
* [[Disk Encryption]].
* [[WEX]] (Windows96 C/C++ API) that allows to write Windows 96 apps in C/C++.
* A new wiki that you are on it right now.
* [[Task Manager]] that allows to kill misbehaving apps.
* [[Media Player]], replaces old [[Video Player]].
* [[Version Browser]], replaces old [[Virtual Machine]].
* [[InternetE]], replaces old [[Internet Exploder]].
* The filesystem is now fully asynchronous.
* [[P3FS]]
* The [[YouAreAnIdiot]] app now bounces across the screen, like the real YouAreAnIdiot.
== Trivia ==
* This version took a very long time to release.

Revision as of 04:23, 3 August 2022

Windows 96 v3 is the current version of Windows 96 that is the successor to v2. It has added lot of features, most notably it maked the Web OS more Windows 98.

Version Highlights


  • This version took a very long time to release.