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The system log is a feature in Windows 96 v3 that allows you to see important information from the system. It is stored in the RAM of Windows 96, and can be edited through a special API.

An array of objects that are formatted in what I'm calling the SLogEvent format.


An object with one property, eventCount that sets limits for the event log.


The amount of events that can be stored in system log. When initiated, it is set to 1000.

SLogEvent Format

This format is an object representing an event. An example object looks like this:

  date: "Fri, 05 Aug 2022 18:28:00 GMT",
  message: "Something happened, you'll never guess what!",
  severity: "info",
  source: "behind you lol"

date: A stringified version of a Date version, but can also be milliseconds since UNIX epoch. message: The message of the event. severity: What icon and level label to show. Can either be info, warning, or error. source: What part of the system is sending the message. For example, when ever a disk is mounted to the filesystem, the log's source is labeled "FS Service".

True if the "Disable system event log" flag is enabled, basically like the do-not-track of System Log. However, non-built-in services can still use the log freely, and may completely ignore this.