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Revision as of 23:47, 25 January 2023 by Themirrazz (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{stub}} NoTRON Antivirus is an antivirus that has been included in Windows 96 since the release of v2. However, it was only until the release of v3 that it was able to detect actual viruses. NoTRON pulls a list of viruses from Windows 96's servers. This allows it to compare your files and identify files that could potentially harm your installation. Note that some viruses have the ability to hide from NoTRON by modifying the file sys...")
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NoTRON Antivirus is an antivirus that has been included in Windows 96 since the release of v2. However, it was only until the release of v3 that it was able to detect actual viruses. NoTRON pulls a list of viruses from Windows 96's servers. This allows it to compare your files and identify files that could potentially harm your installation. Note that some viruses have the ability to hide from NoTRON by modifying the file system entries. An example of this kind of malware is the LSDB Malware. If you suspect you have this kind of malware installed on your system, you might want to try booting with startup scripts disabled, or using an antivirus with the ability to find hidden files.