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Hey guys! It’s themirrazz here! I’m a 15-year-old programmer, YouTuber, crazy error maker and Sonic fan - literally obsessed with Tails!

Website -日本語: YouTube:

Thank you!

(I'm learning Japanese, so if you see any page that's half-English and half-Japanese, I'm probably in the process of translating existing pages. I believe this could help expand Windows 96 to more parts of the world. Don't worry - I'll always leave original pages intact 😉)

[ text below kept for archival purposes ]

themirrazz (aka me) is someone who created Windows 96 apps (keyword: created), and not all of them got good reception from the rest of the Windows 96 community. Long story short, there was some drama about Windows 96 automatically claiming people's IP address in a game called Ipv4.Party, and then the purge of the Discord server, some drama about that plus the Ipv4.Party thing, which included me getting banned from the Windows 96 Discord server and then creating a short-lived campaign that lasted for probably little over a week called #TakeBackIPv4Games, and that's where we are right now. Ever since, I've been kind of inactive in the Windows 96 community, and only joined once on an alt to share my Brave Sync Code (for starting the world's largest Brave Sync Chain - that also kinda died out after nobody joined it). However, I've recently been doing lots of P3-related projects on my alt GitHub account, including documenting the entire "P3 protocol". I am now working on being a little more active - and less stupid - in the Windows 96 community, and I'm starting off by adding and editing some wiki pages to help people that are new to the community. And dear everyone, I'm sorry for being stupid, and starting a stupid campaign just because Windows 96 auto-claims your IP address, and basically spamming status updates in the Discord server.