From Wiki96
Hello, I am Plopilpy, a hobbyist developer who likes programming, web development, 3D design/printing, electronics, and general engineering stuff.
My Github Pages site is, check it out to see some of my projects. To download my projects, you can find them in the #creations
channel of the Windows 96 Discord server.
List of my Windows 96 creations:
- SlatePanel (news/weather client + taskbar weather info like in Windows 10/11)
- SlateWrite (word processor/WYSIWYG editor, based on SunEditor)
- SysBalloons (library/API for making message balloons like in Windows XP)
- WinAero theme (recreation of the v2 Aero theme)
- Water Vapour (theme which mimics the style of the old Steam UI)
- 96point1 (Windows 3.1 theme)
- Border Chrome theme (theme for the Border browser which aims to recreate the look of older Google Chrome)
Old/outdated projects
- [v2] JSJS (Poorly written virus which erases your data and destroys your system)
- [v2] Animated Christmas Trees (recreation of this)
- [v2] Gato wallpapers (my first project, just a collection of cat wallpapers)