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Questions and Answers
How do I use HiAsm?
There's plenty of tutorials, guides, etc on other websites, including YouTube.
Be aware that most of them are in Russian, due to the nature of the program's country of origin.
The elements are limiting what I can do, how do I exceed those limits?
Three options:
- If you can write JavaScript code, you can use the InlineCode element. It's located in the Tools category.
- Ask the developer(s) to make an element for what you're trying to do. Or try to make one yourself.
- Use elements that are available to do the job. Note that this may not work for some things.
Can I make apps for Windows 93?
No. Maybe in the future it will be possible as a separate pack.
Some things are just unavailable in them. Built-in polyfills might be added later.
I want a child window, how do I make one?
You can experiment with InlineCode, but that's probably it; MultiElement(Ex/Poly)s are too complex to implement at the moment. They're the base of ChildWindows.
Problems and Solutions
The pack is not showing!
Make sure you:
- Didn't change the IDE's language to English. There's a weird bug that hides custom packs when the language is set to English.
- Extracted the pack correctly. Make sure you extracted it as
(HiAsm installation directory)\Elements\w96
(for example,C:\Program Files (x86)\HiAsm\Elements\w96
). If you extracted it as a subfolder (like(HiAsm installation directory)\Elements\w96\w96
), it won't work. - Ran the w96.his file. If it shows a "unknown file" window, drag it into the HiAsm icon, or if HiAsm is open, just drag it into the IDE.
- Didn't delete the Elements.db file. It contains all elements.