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MsgRoom with a dark theme applied. You can also see the staff title, which many users try to fake in the MSGroom. Stop doing that, you aren't fooling anyone.

MsgRoom is a chat room for Windows 96. It allows people to chat to others in real time. No registration is required to use the service, though IP bans can be given out in cases of abuse.


MsgRoom offers the following features:

  • 3 default themes, with the option to create your own using css stylesheets.
  • Markdown formatting in text messages.
  • TweMoji rendering for messages containing emoji. There is no dedicated emoji picker as of now.


MsgRoom is equipped with several useful commands. Here is a list of them and what they do.

Command Description
/about Prints some about text displaying the current version of MsgRoom.
/block <user_id> Blocks a user by ID. This will prevent you from seeing their messages.
/clear Clears the current chat log.
/config Edits the current chat configuration.
/help Views the built in help.
/list View online members. This command also displays their user IDs and whether they are blocked.
/unblock <user_id> Unblocks a user by ID.


  • A witty comment will be displayed if you attempt to block yourself.
  • The nickname "System" cannot be used as nickname. Doing so will prompt an error.