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Windows 96 has a unique file structure, which has gone through many changes in each major version.

Default Volumes

Upon boot, the kernel mounts 4 default volumes, which are deemed essential to the operation of a Windows 96 session.

Letter Description
B: A hidden cache drive, which is commonly used to store boot logs, etc.
C: The root drive of a Windows 96 installation, containing the files needed for a successful startup.
W: A file system representation of the true system files (the files which boot Windows 96 in in browser)
Z: A ramdisk used to store files which are only needed for the current session.

General Purpose Locations

Path Description
c:/user Personal home folder.
c:/user/appdata Application data.
c:/user/desktop The desktop folder, which contains the files shown on the desktop.
c:/user/documents A generic folder for document storage.

System Locations

Path Description
c:/trash Where deleted files go before being permanently deleted.
c:/local A directory which stores programs/program data local to the current installation (e.g. packages from Package Manager).
c:/system System files. Usually configuration files, boot scripts, app registration files, etc.
c:/system/boot Where boot scripts are stored (scripts that run before startup).
c:/system/startup Where startup scripts are stored (scripts that run on startup).
c:/system/config Where configuration files are stored.
c:/system/etc Where system configuration files are stored.
c:/system/resource A folder which can store custom themes, icon and sound packs.
c:/system/local Local system programs/binaries/libraries. Also stores modules used for WRT.
c:/system/log A folder where log files are usually stored.
c:/system/packages A folder which contains package manager data.
c:/system/programs Shortcuts which are displayed in the start menu.
c:/system/temp Temporary files are stored here. They are removed on reboot.
c:/system/wallpapers Where wallpapers are stored.