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How to set a Search Engine in InternetE

Opening SCM

The start menu entry to access System Configuration Manager

Start by opening up the System Config Manager (SCM).

You can open it either by

  1. going to Start Menu > Programs > System > System Config Manager
  2. or entering scm into the run box.

Browsing the configuration

The InternetE folder in the "Software" Section of the System Config Manager

Once in SCM, go to Software > InternetE. If you don't see the InternetE folder, it means you probably haven't used InternetE and need to open the InternetE in order for the folder to appear.

Note: If you don't see the Software folder, reboot Windows96. If it still doesn't show up, you may need to reinstall Windows96

Configure the new search engine

The dialog to edit the InternetE search engine in SCM

Once in the InternetE folder, double-click the "searchEngine" entry. Delete the text in the JSON Value box, and put a pair of quotation marks ("). You can now put the URL to your favorite search engine. To determine where the search query will go, put %SEARCH_QUERY%.

Example search engines

To help you, some entries for popular search engines will go here (including the quotes).

Search Engine URL CORS Unblocker need ?
Google "" no
Bing "" no
DuckDuckGo "" yes
Brave "" yes
Skynet (Windows 93) "" no
Ecosia "" yes
Wikipedia "" no
YouTube "" yes