From Wiki96
Revision as of 07:01, 9 April 2022 by Ctrl (talk | contribs) (Created page with "thumb|The Windows 96 Wiki application represents a typical iframe app. An "Iframe App" refers to a single-window application which simply incorporates a full size <code><iframe></code> element filled to the window content container. Said Iframe will usually point to an external resource (resource not hosted within the Windows 96 environment) and will have very little logic to integrate with the Windows 96 API. Iframe apps are extremely si...")
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The Windows 96 Wiki application represents a typical iframe app.

An "Iframe App" refers to a single-window application which simply incorporates a full size <iframe> element filled to the window content container. Said Iframe will usually point to an external resource (resource not hosted within the Windows 96 environment) and will have very little logic to integrate with the Windows 96 API.

Iframe apps are extremely simple to create, and require little to no effort compared to more complex applications. This is sometimes useful for hosting external content which does not necessarily want to rely on Windows 96 specific APIs.


A lot of users and developers are against Iframe apps, since they are extremely easy to code and require almost no knowledge of the Windows 96 API and program structure.